The List (18 May 2017)

As of the end of episode 5, here is our list of everything in the world, ordered from best to worst. This list may be outdated; you can check the latest version here, though it may contain spoilers for episodes you haven’t heard yet.

  1. Water (substance)
  2. NASA (organisation)
  3. New York (city)
  4. Berlin (city)
  5. Compass (navigational instrument)
  6. Nineteen Eighty-Four (George Orwell novel)
  7. Switzerland (country)
  8. Cats (animal) [new entry]
  9. Red pandas (animal) [new entry]
  10. Pangolins (animal)
  11. The 48 Hour Film Project (event) [new entry]
  12. Having good teeth (concept)
  13. Eurovision Song Contest (event)
  14. Grilled cheese sandwiches (food) [new entry]
  15. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J. K. Rowling novel) [nudged up by Alex]
  16. Cocktails (drink)
  17. Porridge (food)
  18. The Loch Ness Monster (mythical creature)
  19. 1866 (year) [new entry]
  20. New book smell (smell)
  21. Coffee pods (object)
  22. Coca-Cola (drink)
  23. Profanity (concept)
  24. Coco Pops (food)
  25. Old book smell (smell)
  26. Spiders (animal) [new entry]
  27. Country music (genre) [new entry]
  28. American radio stations (concept)
  29. Party balloons (object)
  30. Gift wrapping (concept)
  31. Drinking straws (object) [nudged up by Heather]
  32. Breakfast in bed (concept)
  33. Freshly squeezed lemon juice (drink)
  34. Word Twist (game)
  35. When a dog follows you and it isn’t your dog (situation) [nudged up by Scott]
  36. Loose change in the street (concept)
  37. Saying goodbye on the phone (situation)
  38. Getting a haircut (experience)
  39. When you’re at the bus stop and you don’t know whether the person in front of you is getting on the bus (situation)
  40. The American tipping system (concept)
  41. Piers Morgan (person)